10 November 2011

Holiday season blues

Well its that time of year again.  Its holiday season.  This is an especially tough time of year for me for various reasons.  I am a 33 - year old single woman with no children.  I lost my mother and grandmother back in December of 2006.  My step-father has gotten remarried and has taken on a new family.  I lost my brother to the system back in 2009.  I've also lost a best friend and a uncle both to untimely deaths.    All of these people have been very influential people in my life.  My step-father and still talk from time to time and I know that he still loves me as his daughter.  Sometimes I just find it a little difficult to fit in with his new family.  I was raised to see holidays as family time.  So what do you do when you don't have close family to spend the holidays with?  I remember when I was in college when everything was going really well on the home front.  This time of year was always so exciting to me.  There's nothing like gathering with family and friends for the holidays.  Even though my mother was not well for a very long time she would always manage to prepare something on either Christmas or Thanksgiving.  She really valued holidays and family time.  For as long as I can remember I was not allowed to miss Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Last Thanksgiving I was very blessed and spent the day with a really close friend and her family.  The food was great, the company was awesome but at the end of the day I still longed for my family.  Last Christmas was great as well.  I was able to spend that time with some very good friends of mine from back home but at the end of the day I still longed for my family.  Is this a felling I have to face and deal with every year?  Over the past year I've been connected with my biological father's side of the family and i love it.  Maybe its time for me to become close to them and establish new traditions.  Its just a bit overwhelming for me when I think about the process of getting to know strangers even though they are family.

So needless to say everyday is a constant struggle to be happy and content with where I am emotionally this time of year.  I try to remember that it could always be worse but then again sometimes I don't know.  Whats worse then not being with loved ones during the holidays?  

06 November 2011

Operation "Road to a Better Lifestyle" Week One

I must admit I am one funny individual.  Its funny how everytime I start to work on my weight all I can think about is food.  I have cravings for those bad foods that I haven't had in forever.  So with that being said lets start talking about my first week with "Project Healthy Lifestyle."  November first was my official start date.  In order to get a good morning working out in the mornings I have to get out of bed at 6:00 a.m. Being that I put so much time and thought into this process I was anxious to get started and on the morning of November 1, 2011 I woke up at least twice before my alarm goes off.  So when my alarm did sound what did I do?  I turned it off, rolled over and went back to sleep.  That move was the first move to a not so great Day 1 start.  I jumped up and out of bed around 7:05 a.m. and headed for the shower.  It ususally takes me about a good 30 to 35 minutes to get ready for work so needless to say I was officially running late being that I needed to be out of the house at 7:40 a.m. to catch my train for work.  Since I was running late I didn't have time to prepare my bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and I forgot to grab my lunch from the fridge.  So there's two meals I'm going to have to figure out how to replace....not good.  I ended up missing breakfast all together and for lunch I at some pistaceos and a pack of peanutbutter nabs.  For those of you who don't know what nabs are, I had a pack of peanutbutter crackers.  Tuesdays are my busy days so I knew once I got off of work I would not have time to eat dinner before having to head to church for my Celebrate Recovery meeting. By this time I realized that Day 1 was a wash.  Once I got out of my meeting at church I had a craving for fried chicken so bad I was literally salivating at that thought of  having some for dinner.  My 30 minute drive from church to home was focused on only where I would stop to get chicken.  After deciding against driving pass my apartment to the closes chicken joint, I ended up stopping to pick up some hot wings and fries....bad bad bad.  The damage is done so there is no need for me to dwell on all of the wrong choices I made.

The remainder of week 1 was very sketchy.  I worked out some but not like I planned.  I do realize that its only the first week however I feel like this week is to set the tone of the entire process.  What I've come to realize is that its very hard for me to do this process alone.  I do have many supporters and most of them are two states away but I do appreciate their support and their prayers.  What I'm really in need of is self motivation.  I keep saying that I want to live better, eat better, and make better choices all around but it is so hard to do all of this when for almost 33 years I haven't made the best choices.  This is defintely going to be a process and I will embrace every moment of this process because I would love to be able to help someone else one day.

Emotionally I was a wreck. I have to admit on Thursday night I threw myself a huge pitty party.  I started feeling sorry for myself and then I became really angry, however by Friday morning I was all better.  I guess someone was praying for me.  I've found through reading and talking with people that emotional and mental health is just as important as physical health if not more important.

So I'm about to head into Week 2.  I'm predicting a much better week this week.  I'm sticking strictly to my meal plan and I will ensure that my workouts will happen.   I've added an addition activity to my week.  I have decided to make two trips to Marietta this week.  Not only will I be going on Tuesday, I will also be going for Wednesday night service as well.  I've got to do some things different. My spiritual life hasn't been what it once was however I feel like this is a good time to start working on spending more time with God and in fellowship with other like minded individuals.

I just want to thank those of you are are on this journey with me or praying for me.  Remember if you have any tips please feel free to comment on the post.

Have a happy week!

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” - Chinese Proverb

30 October 2011

Week One

Happy Sunday fellow bloggers, the week has finally arrived.  This is the week that I start my journey to a healthy lifestyle.  I have my workouts lined up and so are my meals. I must admit I’m a bit excited.  I’ve been anticipating starting this journey for a while and now its here.

I’m sure by the middle of the week I will be very cranky, and full of attitude.  The first week is always the worst but at least I know what to expect.  My workout will consist of a 30 minute workout in the morning and a 30 minute workout after work.  I will build on my workouts as I go along.  I’m not trying to get too burned out too soon.  I plan on keeping a journal for the week so I will have something to report to you guys when I return on Sunday.

Well that’s all I have for now.  Have a good week.  I will be back to soon.

23 October 2011

Operation "Road to a Better Lifestyle"

*Bells and whistles* I made it back.  Boy, let me tell you I didn't think tonight's blog was going o happen.  I feel as thought I have a million things to do and blogging is at the bottom of the list.  However, I am on a mission. So I am heading into Week 2 of preparation for Operation "Road to a Better Lifestyle."  Going into week 2 I realized that I need to have some goals and a plan on how to reach those goals.  So that's what I will be getting into tonight.

Before I set out on a journey I need to first know where I'm going and how I plan on getting there. So the first thing I did was set a monthly weight goal.  I decided that I wanted to loose 5lbs a month.  Its not to much but its going to require a lot of work.  So after setting a monthly goal I wanted to set an overall goal just to see how well I'm doing.  So I decided to set a time frame of 3 months.  That would be a total of 15 pounds.  I feel like that's doable.  February 1, 2012 I will be recording my ending weight loss goal.

Now that I know where I'm going, I need to decide how I'm going to get there.  I have decided to assist with my caloric intake I will be joining Weight Watchers again.  I was successful with it the first time so I'm sure I will have success this time around.  Another reason I decided to go back to WW is because it teaches permanent change.  I pick up habits that I can continue.

Working out for me has always been something to hard to start but once I'm in it, I'm in going hard.  Then somewhere along the way I hit a brick wall.  I've yet to figure out how to recover from that head on collision, nevertheless, I'm back to give it another shot.  I will be joining a gym.  I will be working out 5 days a week.  In the morning I will be doing some sort of dancing video game for the Wii.  I will do a 45 minute workout.  After work I will go to the gym and get in about an hour of cardio which will consist of treadmill, elliptical, bicycle.

So there you have it folks.  My goal and my plan to reach my goal. There are some other things I am factoring in to assist with the emotional aspect of this journey.  Not only will my body be going through some physical changes it will also undergo emotional changes.  I plan to have you here every step of the way.  November 1, 2011 is the first day that everything begins.  Before I go is there anyone who's willing to participate in this journey with me?

Lets do it!!!!

17 October 2011

Blogging my way to a healthy lifestyle

I know I have been away for a while but now I'm back and I'm going to at least try to do one post a week until I feel as though I can commit to doing more.  I figure one way to commit to this whole blogging thing is to blog about something that I'm really interested in myself.

As my close friends know I have been really struggling with trying to loose weight for the past year and a half now.  I can say that when I started this weight loss journey I was a whopping 310 pounds.  I knew it was time for a change when I was lying in bed one night on my back and was having difficulty breathing.  I only found comfort by either pressing the fat down in my chest area with my hand or by either sleeping on my stomach or side.  This was definitely not good. 

So I decided to join Weight Watchers (WW).  At the time Weight Watchers had a free 3 month trial.  The only think I had to pay for was registration.  So I said "What the heck.  I have nothing to lose, but weight."  Those 3 months I was on Weight Watchers I was very excited.  I excited about learning how the system worked.  I was even excited about grocery shopping and that is one of my least favorite activities.  During this time.  I was working out very little.  I would get on average 3 twenty-minute workouts in a week...maybe.  At the end of my free 3 month trial I had lost 30 pounds.  Woo-whoo!

Needless to say I did not renew my subscription with WW because I really was not in position to to afford the extra expense.  Therefore, its been a constant yo-yo every since.  So today I mange to bounce between 280 and 290 pounds.  At my lightest I weighed 278 but I was not there very long before I gradually started back picking up weight.

Just recently I discovered I really do have a passion for learning more about living a healthy lifestyle.  However, I think I've just been too lazy to actually implement some of the simple changes.  I am working a better a job and making more money now days so I've decided to join WW again and see what happens.  This time I think it will be an awesome idea to blog my way through the process simply because I've come across some awesome blogs that have been such and inspiration to me.

So those of you who come across my blog if you have any tips I've very open to suggestions and would love to have you along beside me as I become a healthier person.